Passerinvest Group has long helped out in many ways. In this extraordinary time it has also helped through financial aid and the activities of its employees. Passerinvest group and its founder Radim Passer donated, for example, CZK 500 thousand from his private funds to the senior citizen home Domu seniorů in Michle in Prague 4 that was hit hard by the Covid-19 disease. Another CZK 550 thousand is going to the Sirius Foundation, which helps children in socially-vulnerable families. The company also provided hygienic articles and masks for the senior citizen home Domov pro seniory in Prague 11 and it loaned a caravan to the attending physicians in Domov U Biřičky in Hradec Králové to use as their facilities and for relaxation. It has also currently joined the “Playing in the Windows” (Hrajeme do oken) project, which organises live music performances under the windows or in gardens of nursing homes and senior citizen homes; to be precise, the company supported this activity in Prague 4 and Prague 11.Thus, the total financial support during the period of the coronavirus crisis currently amounts to almost CZK 1.8 million.


“On behalf of myself, on behalf of our employees and, above all, on behalf of our seniors, I would like to offer our thanks for the financial support that came in these difficult times. Our facility is close to your headquarters. We are in Michle under Tyršův vrch, and I strongly believe that, thanks to your gift, we will continue to be here. It would be a shame if we had to finish, since we are a unique facility, a combination of social services and an outpatient healthcare facility, thanks to which we are able to take care of very ill and very old clients,” Lumír Bareš, the Executive Director of Dům seniorů Michle wrote in a personal letter expressing his thanks.

Further financial support on the part of Passerinvest Group is going to the ADRA Foundation, the Centre to Help the Memory of Nations and the Karlín Musical Theatre Live charity project. It is also sending help to the area of BB Centrum in Prague 4, where the company helped organise and support volunteers who did the shopping for senior citizens and those from the groups most at risk.

 “The company’s aid, especially financial, is one aspect, but I am very glad that it was possible to get our employees involved through a voluntary company collection, which is still underway. Thus, everybody can contribute whatever they feel they can afford to help the people who need it the most. Plus, we will multiply the final amount collected among our employees.”added Vladimír Klouda, the Executive Director of Passerinvest Group.

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