Once again this year, Brumlovka will be involved in the architecture festival, which aims to encourage the public’s interest in this area. Through tours of normally inaccessible buildings and spaces, Open House Praha will offer a first-hand experience of architecture and enable its comparison in various contexts. We invite everyone who is interested in beautiful views from the highest floors of selected buildings or in roof gardens that have won awards in prestigious competitions, to Brumlovka.

Involved buildings at Brumlovka: Filadelfie, Delta, Budova B building

When: Saturday and Sunday, May 20 – 21, from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm 

Filadelfie, Želetavská 1525/1
Delta, Za Brumlovkou 1559/5
Budova B building, Vyskočilova 1422/1a

You can find the programme for the Open House Praha festival HERE.

We are looking forward,

Marketing Team, Passerinvest Group, a.s. 

Note: The event organizer and also Passerinvest Group, a.s., will take a photographic, video  and audiovisual records at this event.