In September, we will dance the fastest Latin American dance together at Brumlovka, and that means JIVE. This Afro-American dance marries elements of rock’n’roll, swing, boogie woogie and many others. Come and try out a little choreography and dance the whole evening away. The dance teacher is Lenka Nora Návorková, champion of the Czech Republic several times in Latin American dance, winner of StarDance 2018, and the dance partner of Mirai Navrátil in the past season of this popular television competition.

When: Wednesday, September 14, class from 7:00 pm, dance floor from 8:00 pm

Where: Shopping Passage Filadelfie, Želetavská 1525/1, Praha 4 

* In the event of rain please check Brumlovka’s FB profile for current information. Free entry.

See you there,

Marketing Team, Passerinvest Group, a.s.