When: Monday – Thursday, August 22 – 28, from 7:30 am to 7:00 pm

Where: Filadelfie building, reception desk (the main lobby) , Želetavská 1525/1

The 16th annual Be Charity bazaar, organised by the Barbara Nesvadbová Foundation, will be held on September 12 in the Žofín Restaurant by STONES. Every one of us can all get involved already though. How? Bring along any nice women‘s clothes that you no longer wear, shoes that are too tight, dresses that are too big for you, or perhaps a handbag given to you by the wrong man. The clothes will be sold as part of the charity bazaar. All the proceeds will be donated to the Be Charity Foundation for the physiotherapy of children with handicaps.

Donate what you For more information, email us at: marika.duchonova@passerinvest.cz

See you there,

Marketing Passerinvest Group, a.s.