The traveller Tomáš Šapovalov experienced 15 months in New Zealand, during which time he tried living in a car and in a luxury house, working as a cook in a ski resort, and picking grapes at vineyards. He went through most tourist sights that the country has to offer and will familiarise us with them during his talk. He won’t forget to tell you about the local culture and history.

When: Wednesday, June 8, from 5:30 pm

Where: Sommellerie, the Filadelfie building, Želetavská 1525/1

Come and take a look at photographs of wonderful countryside, listen to some interesting stories and laugh at funny experiences.

Marketing Team, Passerinvest Group, a.s.

Note: The event organizer, Passerinvest Group, a.s., will take a photographic, video  and audiovisual records at this event.

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