Topic: South America – from the Caribbean to Patagonia

WHEN: Wednesday, November 21,2018, from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm

WHERE: Restaurant KOBE at Brumlovka Square (Vyskočilova 1481/4, Prague 4)

Everything that is associated with traveling in a couple.  How is it with Colombian gangs? What can you see and experience  at the Galapagos? Can you go up to 5000m high the Cotopaxi Ecuadorian volcano without previous preparation? What is necessary to have ready for the multi-day trek in Chilean and Argentinean Patagonia, where no one will tell you what the weather will be? What to do if the rain starts in the Atacama Desert (one of the driest place in the world) and how to handle extreme temperature differences?  

 Program: 5:30 pm – 7:30pm  South America – from Caribbean to Patagonia, David Sramek – traveler

You can also enjoy Asian cuisine and small competition! Free admission and children welcome.

We look forward to meet you there, 

Passerinvest Group marketing team