Hana Zagorová performed along with Jiří Dvořák’s Boom Band, Děda Mládek Illegal Band and No Name at this year’s fourth annual concert. The concert was PASSERINVEST Group’s celebration of its 25 years on the market this year, and thus it prepared a thrilling evening surprise for the visitors, specifically a tightrope walker, who walked at a height of 70 metres above the audience on the FILADELFIE building and dancers who performed a vertical dance on the building at a height exceeding 50 metres. More than 3000 visitors attended the event.

A concert with stars of the Czech and Slovak music scene is traditionally held at the beginning of the summer in Baarův Park in BB Centrum. Previous concerts featured performers such as Olympic, Chinaski and The Beatles Revival – BROUCI BAND. In addition to music there was an extensive accompanying programme throughout Baarův Park, stands with vegetarian, exotic and traditional refreshments from local restaurants and attractions for children, including face painting. Visitors could take home a souvenir from this day in the form of photographs from the retro photo corner.