When: Wednesday, December 20, from 6:00 p.m. (in the Czech language)

Where: première online on the Brumlovka FB profile

Every month, we invite people, who we feel have something to say and whose professional or personal life is somehow associated with Brumlovka. We want to seek out inspiration and advice for you, but also to present life’s victories and defeats. Different person, different topic, each time on Brumlovka. Different person, different topic, each time on Brumlovka.

This month: Pavel Zavadil

Pavel started his business career right after the revolution in 1990 with a windsurfing expedition to Baikal in Siberia. The success of that inspired him to start a sports marketing business. Four years later, however, the tragic death of his brother, a doctor, fatefully leads him into the health care business. He gradually builds up one of the largest health care companies in the Czech Republic, supplying diagnostic equipment to virtually every hospital. In the meantime, he manages to resurrect the practically defunct company Herbadent out of the ashes and make it a leading manufacturer in the herbal dental hygiene sector. In 2011, he ventures into retail as an investor…