WHEN: Wednesday, June 16, 10:00 am and 6:00 pm

WHERE: meeting point by the Filadelfie building fountain (Baar Park) Želetavská 1525/1 (in the Czech Language)

We would also like to invite you on a guided tour of BB Centrum, where we will present the development of urban planning of the entire area in the spirit of the so-called short-distance cities, the concept of commercial development with the creation of job opportunities and housing in connection with the development of urban infrastructure, civic amenities and services, especially with an emphasis on quality public spaces and plenty of space for sports and relaxation. The tour will include a visit to both the underground floors and the technological facilities of the buildings (air conditioning engine room, spare electrical sources, sprinkler management, etc.) and selected green roofs. The tour, including any questions and discussion, will last approximately 2.5 hours.

We look forward to meet you there,

Marketing Team, Passerinvest Group, a.s.