We invite you to a beautiful concert full of famous melodies. Stop for a moment in the pre-Christmas fever and enjoy a few minutes of musical peace. Children are also welcome.

When:  December 15, 2022 from 6 pm  to 7:30 pm 

Where: the main hall of Community Centre Bethany, Za Brumlovkou 1519/4, Prague 4

Entry is voluntary. The collected entrance fee will be given to Vladimír Mikuláš, athlete, trainer from Balanc Club Brumlovka, physiotherapist, who has been struggling with the insidious disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) for years.


Karolina Žmolíková – Cingrošová, sopran, Vratislav Kříž, baryton, Vladimír Rejlek, tube, Lenka Navrátilová, piano

  • A. Charpentier Preludium z oratoria Te Deum
  • F. Händel Let the Bright Seraphim
  • F. Händel Recitative a arie Ombra mai fu z opery Xerxes
  • A. Mozart Alelujah
  • Dvořák Biblické písně (výběr)
  • Ph. Telemann Tři hrdinské pochody
  • Dvořák árie Vodníka
  • Dvořák árie Rusalky
  • Franck Panis Angelicus
  • Gomez Ave Maria
  • Schubert Ave Maria
  • L. Weber Pie Iesu

We are looking forward,

Marketing Team, Passerinvest Group, a.s.