When: Wednesday, January 11, from 5:30 pm

Where: Sommellerie, Filadelfie building, Želetavská 1525/1

Come and listen to an interesting talk by traveler Karl Wolf about places in Venezuela where there is no trace of European travelers in the post-Covid era. This means that he and a group of friends had the opportunity to enjoy the hospitality of the Pemón and Warao Indian tribes or admire the wild landscape of the table-top mountains and the Orinoco Delta. During his travels, he also visited Salto Angel, the highest waterfall in the world, and the Los Llanos swamp, which swarmed with crocodiles, piranhas and capybaras. While Mount Roraima showed the group a unique world of carnivorous plants, caves and waterfalls. The forgotten world of Venezuela does still exist!

Free Entry.

We look forward to meet you there,

Marketing Team, Passerinvest Group, a.s.