Two electric buses have been providing three years of non-stop shuttle service between Prague’s BB Centrum and the Budějovická metro station (on the C line) on the free BBC 1 and BBC 2 routes. During that time, up to November 2019, they have travelled 150 000 kilometres and carried 2 million passengers to their destinations. To put this into perspective, it is as if they had circled the globe four times or taken the journey from Prague to Brno 750 times. The electric buses are a joint project by the development and investment company PASSERINVEST GROUP, the ČEZ Group and the ARRIVA transportation company.

The electric buses were put into operation in BB Centrum on regular shuttle routes connecting this city district with the Budějovická metro station (on the C line) as the very first electric buses in Prague’s mass transit system. Each day they travel roughly 115 km, which consumes approximately 80% of the total batter capacity, as one charge is sufficient for up to 150 km. The charging regularly takes place during the night-time hours, when the electric buses are out of service in the depot, thus there is no interruption in their service.

Marketing team

Passerinvest Group 

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